By Laws


CMM Building, Rua de Ourem, Panjim, Goa – 403001, India

I) Article 1: Name of the Association: INDO-GERMAN EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL SOCIETY OF GOA herein after referred to as the Association.

II) Article 2: The Registered Office of the Association shall be situated in Panjim, Goa or its surroundings.

Article 3: The official address of the Association shall be CMM Building, Rua de Ourem, Panjim, Goa – 403 001, India

III) Article 4: Nature of the Association; The Association shall be registered under the SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT-ACT XXI OF 1860.
Article 5: The Association shall be non-profit making educational and cultural society with no political, religious and ideological leanings.
Article 6
: Objectives of The Association: The Aims & Objectives of the Association shall be as under:
a) To establish, maintain and manage a German Language Center and to offer training and education in German language and conduct courses either by traditional methods or by audio – visuals aids and / or to assist in the provision of facilities for the teaching and study of the German language and literature. By doing this the Society will contribute considerably in enabling the Indian professionals and businessmen to find suitable service opportunities and transact business in Germany and in India.

b) To encourage linguistic and cultural contacts between the countries as well as provide scholarships or the tution to deserving students willing to persue further or their courses in German language or literature at the Association / provide academic counseling which will enhance the understanding between, both the countries; hence will enhance the prospects of more dealings on account of information and Technology, business activities, educational opportunities, tourism in both the countries.

c) To participate in events of linguistic and arranging cultural and other programs such as film shows, lectures wither in German or other languages, art, exhibitions, music, concerts etc., by which the aims and objectives of the Association could be furthered.

d) To provide and arrange for literary, scientific and other lectures to be given in German and/ or other languages.

e) Fostering Friendship with members of the other cultural Associations.

f) To arrange and / or sponsor visits and tours for its members to Germany and other countries and vice versa welcome any such visits of people to India from Germany and other countries, on non profit basis and undertaking such other activities as are compatible with and conductive to the nature of the Association.

g) To establish and / or maintain a library and an information center on the above kind of events.

h) To provide and / or arrange such other activities by which the aims and objectives of the Society can be furthered.

i) To own, purchase, lease, construct, alter, repair and manage any building and apartment or part therof and any other movable and immovable property for the purpose of carrying out the objects of the Society.

j) To print, publish and issue journals, books leaflets and advertisements, reports, lectures, and other reading matter which may be deemed useful of expedient for the purpose of the Society.

k) The income and property of the Society shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the object of the Society as set forth in memorandum of Society and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to the member of the Society.

l) No member of the Governing Body of the Society shall be appointed to any salaried offices of the Society or any office of the Society paid by fees and no remuneration shall be given by the Society to any member of such a Governing Body except repayment of out of pocket expenditure and interest on money lent or rent for premises hired to the Society.

m) The Society by its constitution is required to apply its profits, if any, or other income in promotion of its objects.

n) If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Society there remains after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities it shall not be disturbed among the members of the Society but shall be given or transferred to some other Institution having objects similar to the objects of the Society to be determined by the members of the Society at or before the time of dissolution.

IV) Names, Designation, Occupation, Address of Members of the Managing committee of

Sr. No Name Designation Occupation Address Signature
1. Mrs. Pallavi Dempo President Business Dempo House,
Panji, Goa
Tel No: 2425178

2. Ms. Lisa Dias Noronha Vice President Entrepreneur Charao Tiswadi
Mob No: 9850871608

3. Mr. Schubert Cotta Secretary Business Ocean Heights NIO, P. O. Dona Paula,
Mob No: 9420595189

4. Mr. Lawrence Rodricks Treasurer Business

A/4 Skylark Aprts,

5. Dr. Maria Emilia Menezes Member Pharma Industry CZZ Vaiguinim,
Dona Paula, Goa – 403004
Tel No: 2438160

6. Mr. Joao Xavier Miranda Member Managing Director Cincerone Air Transport,
Service Pvt Ltd. No 4,
Rua Aires de Sa,
Mumurti Margoa,
Goa – 403601

7. Ms. Marise D’Lime Member Teacher 64, Machado’s Cove,
Dona Paula Goa
Mob No: 9822104296

V) We, the following persons, being desirous of forming ourselves into a society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 have subscribed our names to this Memorandum on

Sr No Names Signature
1. Mrs. Pallavi Dempo
2. Ms. Lisa Dias Noronha
3. Mr. Schubert Cotta
4. Mr. Lawrence Rodricks
5. Dr. Maria Emilia Menezes
6. Mr. Joao Xavier Miranda
7. Ms. Marise D’Lima
8. Ms. Mecxy Cotta
9. Ms. Irene Silveira
10. Mr. Girish Raikar


1. Name of Society:

2. Address of Society:
CMM Building, Rua de Ourem, Panjim, Goa, India – 403 001

3. From Article 7 to Article 40

4. Objectives of the Association: The Aims & Objectives of the Association shall be as under:
a) To establish, maintain and manage a German Language Center and to offer training and education in German language and conduct courses either by traditional methods or by audio – visuals aids and / or to assist in the provision of facilities for the teaching and study of the German language and literature. By doing this the Society will contribute considerably in enabling the Indian professionals and businessmen to find suitable service opportunities and transact business in Germany and in India.

b) To encourage linguistic and cultural contacts between the two countries as well as provide scholarships or the tution to deserving students willing to persue further on their courses in German language or literature at the Association / provide academic counseling which will enhance the understanding between both the countries; hence will enhance the prospects of more dealings on account of Information and Technology, business activities, educational opportunities , tourism in both the countries.

c) To participate in events of linguistics and arranging cultural and other programs such as film shows, lectures either in German or other languages, art, exhibitions, music, concerts etc., by which the aims and objectives of the Association could be furthered.

d) To provide and arrange for literary, scientific and other lectures to be given in German and / or other languages.

e) Fostering Friendship with members of the other cultural Association.

f) To arrange and / or sponsor visits and tours for its members to Germany and other countries and vice versa welcome any such visits of people to India from Germany and other countries, on non profit basis and undertaking such other activities as are compatible with and conductive to the nature of the Association.

g) To establish and / or maintain a library and an information center on the above kind of events.

h) To provide and / or arrange such other activities by which the aims and objectives of the Society can be furthered.

i) To own, purchase, lease, construct, alter, repair and manage any building and apartment or part therof and any other movable and immovable property for the purpose of carrying out the objects of the Society.

j) To print, publish and issue journals, books leaflets and advertisements, reports, lectures, and other reading matter which may be deemed useful of expedient for the purpose of the Society.

k) The income and property of the Society shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the object of the Society as set forth in memorandum of Society and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to the member of the Society.

l) No member of the Governing Body of the Society shall be appointed to any salaried offices of the Society or any office of the Society paid by fees and no remuneration shall be given by the Society to any member of such a Governing Body except repayment of out of pocket expenditure and interest on money lent or rent for premises hired to the Society.

m) The Society by its constitution is required to apply its profits, if any, or other income in promotion of its objects.

n) If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Society there remains after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities it shall not be distributed among the members of the Society but shall be given or transferred to some other Institution having objects similar to the objects of the Society to be determined by the members of the Society at or before the time of dissolution.


Article 7: The membership of this Association shall be open to all above the age of 18 irrespective of nationality, cast, creed, religion and it will consist of Active Members, Life Members, Donors and Patrons, Student Members, Temporary Members, Associate Members, Honorary Members Ex-Officio Members and Corporate Members. The subscription for corporate membership corporate membership shall be Rs. 15000/-

Article 8: The mode of admission of Active Members shall be as follows:

a) Application for membership shall be made on the prescribed form and addressed to the President.
b) The Executive Committee shall have a right to reject any application without assigning any reason.
c) Those whose applications are accepted shall become Members of the Association on paying the prescribed membership subscription fee and receiving a special membership fee receipt and identity card signed by the President of the Association.

Article 9: The annual active membership subscription shall be Rs. 300/- (Rs.500/- for couples) to be paid in full and in advance for the financial year on the date of admission and to be renewed in the beginning of each year. The entrance fee shall be Rs.50/-


Article 10: The subscription for life membership shall be Rs. 1000/-(Rs.1500/- for couples) to be paid in full at the time of admission.
The subscription for Donors shall be Rs. 3000/- and Patrons Rs. 5000/-
The subscription of the life membership / DONOR of Patron membership may be increased from time to time.


Article 11: Any group of 20 members or more may propose to the Executive Committee the name/names of eminent person/persons to be HONORARY MEMBERS of the Association. The Executive Committee may invite such person/persons to be Honorary Members of the Association.


Article 12: Bonafide members of any Indo-German Educational and Cultural Society in India may be accepted by the President, with the consent of Managing Committee as an Associate Member on paying an admission fee of Rs. 100/- only, for a period not exceeding one month.


Article 13: Regular students who are below 18 years will be enlisted as Student Members on paying an admission fee or Rs.50/- for the duration of one study course session.
Students over 18 years may become Active, Temporary, Life Members, Donors or Patrons provided they pay the respective subscription fees as stipulated in Article 9, 10 and 14.


Article 14: Temporary Membership cards should be issued to non-resident adults above 18 yrs of age for a period not exceeding three months and for a fee of Rs.200/- for this period. The conditions of admission shall be the same as for Active Members as stipulated in Article 8.

Article 15: Honorary Member, Associate Members, Students Members and Temporary Members shall have no voting rights.


Article 16: The Ex – Officio Members shall be namely:
i) The Executive Director of the language center is one ex – officio members without right to vote.
ii) A representative of the Cultural Section, German Consulate in Mumbai is one ex – officio members without right to vote.
iii) The Language Director of the Max Mueller Bhavan in Mumbai is one ex – officio member without right to vote.
iv) Two more ex-officio members without voting as decided by the governing board.


Article 17: The membership of a person to the Association shall cease upon his resignation or by a resolution of the Executive Committee that the name of such a Member be struck off the rolls. A Member shall be removed from the Membership for default in payment of the membership subscription for one year or for other grave reasons by a decision of the Executive Committee. But he/she is at liberty to make an appeal for a revision of such a decision at the next General Body Meeting.
No Member shall be removed from membership unless he/she has been previously asked to give an explanation. The decision to remove a member shall be communicated to him in writing.


Article 18: The association shall be managed by an “Executive Committee” constituted of seven members each having equal voting rights:

a) One President (of Indian Nationality) – President means the President of society, Governing Body.
b) One Vice-President – Vice President means the Vice President of Society, Governing Body.
c) One Secretary – means the General Secretary of the societies Governing body
d) One Treasurer
e) Three other Members.

The Executive Director or the Academic means Executive Director or by whatever designation called, of the Institution run by the INDO GERMAN EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL SOCIETY OF GOA with no voting rights.

Article 19: The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the Administration of the Society.

Article 20: The Executive Committee may appoint sub-committees and shall also have the power to co-opt other members of the Association to serve in an advisory capacity on such committees or the Executive Committee itself without the power to vote.

Article 21: The Executive Committee may appoint such office staff (except teachers) on such terms and may frame such regulations as may be necessary to fulfill the aims and objectives of the association and to carry out its day to day administration.

Article 22: The Executive Committee shall have the power to review the membership subscription rates and the decision shall become effective when approved at the next General Body Meeting.

Article 23: The Executive Committee shall open as account in the name of the association in any nationalized Bank and authorize any two of the following office bearers, the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer to operate this account. Cheques and withdrawals of money from Bank shall be signed by any two of the bearers.

Article 24: A member of the Executive Committee, who absents himself for two consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee without giving prior intimation with sufficient reason in writing to the Secretary, will cease to be member of the Executive Committee.

Article 25: Any vecancy/vacancies of Member/s nt exceeding two, arising in the Executive Committee may be filled by the Executive Committee appointing fresh members/subject to Article 19 and during the tenure of the elected Executive Committee. If vacancies are more than two, then an extra-ordinary meeting of the General Body shall be convened for election of members to the vacated seats.

Article 26: The President

a) Preside over and guide the meeting of the Executive Committee and of the General Body:
b) Maintain a general control and supervision over the working of the Association.

Article 27: The Vice-President shall assist the President in the discharge of his duties in his absence or in his place or at his request.

Article 28: The Secretary shall:
a) Do all the correspondence required for the functioning of the association;
b) Convene the meeting of the Executive Committee and of the General body in consultation with the President;
c) Prepare the agenda of these meetings;
d) Keep true and correct minutes of the proceedings;
e) Submit to the General body both the annual general and financial reports of the functioning of the Association, after obtaining approval of the Executive Committee.
f) Do the needful to implement to implement the decisions and recommendation of the Executive Committee.

Article 29: NOTE: The Secretary shall normally obtain the prior approval of the Executive Committee in all matters concerning the Association. However, in matter of urgent nature, the Secretary has to consult the President, and take necessary action subject to ratification by the Executive Committee as its next meeting.

Article 30: The Treasurer shall:
a) Control books of accounts, voucher and other documents relating to all income and expenditure o the Association.
b) Get the accounts of the association audited annually by a Chartered accountant appointed by the Executive Committee and place it for final approval at the Annual General Body meeting after obtaining the prior approval of the Executive Committee .

NOTE: No expenditure shall normally be incurred without the prior approval of the Executive committee. However, the Secretary or the Treasure may incur expenditure not exceeding Rs.1000/- at a time and place it before the Executive Committee as its next meeting for ratification.


Article 31:

a) The Executive Committee shall meet statutorily at least once in 3 months or at such time the President may deem necessary.
b) The Secretary shall, in consultation with the President, issue notice convening the meeting to all members of the Executive Committee at least 5 days in advance.
c) The quorum for the meeting of the Executive Committee shall be 2/3rd (two – thirds)
d) In the event that both the President and the Vice-President being absent, the Executive Committee shall designate any member present other than the Office Bearers to preside over the meeting. However, no financial business shall be treated in such a meeting.
e) The President shall convene a special meeting of the Executive Committee if requisitioned in writing by not less than five Members of the Executive Committee. In such cases, a notice of 24 hours shall be sufficient for convening the meeting.

Article 32:

a) The Executive Committee shall convene an Annual General Body meeting of the Members of the Association statutorily at the beginning of every financial year.
b) The Secretary shall, in consultation with the President, issue notice convening the General Body Meeting to all the Members of the association eligible to vote 15 days in advance.
c) The quorum required for the General Body Meeting shall be 1/4th (one forth)of the total Members of the Association, eligible to vote atleast 15 days in advance. If a meeting of adjourned for want of quorum, another meeting shall be convened after half an hour. Thus, the number will constitute the quorum and the deliberations during this meeting shall be valid.
d) Extra-Ordinary General Body Meeting ( EGM ) shall be convened by the Executive Committee if requisitioned, in writing by at least 1/5th of the total number of Members.
e) Resolution and questions to be placed before the General Body Meeting shall be sent to the President or the Secretary so as to reach him at least 5 days before the date fixed for the Meeting. At the extra-ordinary meetings, no matter other than those which occasioned the convening of the meeting shall be discussed.
f) Amendments to the Constitution can be made at the General Body Meeting only by not less than 2/3rd (two-third) majority of the members present. Notice of Amendments should be delivered to the President at least 30days before the General body Meeting. Draft of the amendments should be circulated with a notice of the meeting.

Article 33: For all decisions in the meeting of the Executive Committee and the General Body (except those regarding amendments to the Constitution), a simple majority of the votes of the Members present shall suffice. In case of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote.

a) Any active or life member including donor and patron can be candidate for elections provided that:
i) He is not in arrears of payment of his membership fee.
ii) He has been a Member of the Association continuously for at least the last financial year preceding the elections.

b) The member of the Executive Committee shall be elected once in two years by the general body through secret ballot by simple majority.
c) The elections shall be conducted by the Executive Committee from among the Members
d) The Returning Officer should not be himself a candidate.

Article 34: The newly elected Executive Committee shall meet within a week following the elections and elect the Office Bearers (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) from among its newly elected Members of the Executive Committee by a simple majority.

Article 35: The duration of the office of the Executive Committee shall be two years from the date of assuming office. However, the Executive Committee shall continue in office until a newly elected Executive Committee has assumed office.


Article 36: The financial year shall begin on 1st April end on 31st March


Article 37: Financial Year and Accounts

The Trust/ Society/ Institution shall maintain all accounts regularly. The accounts shall be duly audited by a Chartered Accountant. Every year, the accounts shall be closed by 31st March.

Article 38: Dissolution

To close down the Society special meeting shall have to be called giving due notice of the matter to the members and 3/5th of the members present shall have to vote in favour of the closure.

In the event of the dissolution or winding up of the society the assets remaining as on date of dissolution shall under no circumstance be distributed amongst the members of the committee, but the same shall be transferred to any other Society, Association or Institution whose aim and objectives are similar to those of this Societies, keeping in view Societies Registration Act, 1860.

Article 39: Investments

The funds of the trust shall be invested in the modes specified under the provision of Section 13(1) (d) read with Section 11(5) of the Income Tax Act 1961 as amended from time to time.

Article 40: Amendments

The general body of the Society shall have powers to form, amend, alter or modify and revise these rules and regulation of the Society ( provided that the resolution concerned shall be adopted by 3/5th of the contribution members present and voting and the procedure prescribed under societies “registration Act, 1860” shall be adopted.)

Article 41: Miscellaneous

The Trust formed shall be irrevocable.
The benefits of the Trust/ Society shall be solely utilized for the achievement of its objects and no portion of it shall be utilized for payment to the Trustees/ Members by way of profit, interest dividends etc.


Certified that this is a True copy of the Rules and Regulations of

Sr No Name Designation Signature
1. Mrs. Pallavi Dempo President
2. Mr. Schubert Cotta Secretary
3. Mr. Lawrence Rodricks Treasurer